Welcome to a great site for buying and selling your Irish dance dress, or other Irish dance related items such as boys vests, wigs, dance shoes, etc.
You may list your ads here for Irish dance items for sale. All ads need to be approved first before they will show up on the site. This is to protect young eyes from seeing any spam or junk that might get posted here. I will try and get to approve your ad as quickly as I can. Usually within 24-48 hours. Also, I reserve the right to edit or delete any listing to ensure it is appropriate, or to ensure it displays properly on the site.
Please read through the helpful notes below before submitting your listing, so that your listing can look its best!
Can You Help Me?
Yes, certainly I can help you! But PLEASE first read through this page before contacting me. I offer this service at low cost in the hopes that most of you will use the “Do It Yourself” system and make most edits/changes yourself. But I completely understand that sometimes computers can be confusing, or new systems take a bit of time to learn. So, yes, I am more than willing to help you once you have read this page to see if your answers are here.
Who May Create An Account
Anyone who wishes to create an account may do so as long as you have a valid email address. Please use the email address that you wish to be contacted at by any buyers. When creating an account, it is best to create a username (with no spaces in it) and do not use your email address as your username. If you use your email address as your username, then spammers can get ahold of your email address and start sending you spam! Please make sure you enter your email address correctly so that buyers can contact you about your item! If you don’t use a good email address, your buyers can’t contact you about the item! Also, please check your email frequently – and your spam folder – to look for buyer contacts.
I Can’t Login – Or I Forgot My Password
First off, please check to see that you are using your correct username and not your email address to login! If you are still having trouble with your login, go to the login page and click the link that says “I forgot my password”. The system will reset your account with a new password and email it to you. This fixes most account login troubles. You may then update your profile and change your password to whatever you wish. Also, double check that the email has not gone to your spam folder!
If you are having trouble with the password reset, it might be because your username has spaces in it. Please contact me to get this corrected. Usernames should NOT have spaces in them.
I Logged In But It Doesn’t Show It
It might be your web browser settings! Some people have cache settings on their browser, telling the browser to not load a page if its already in memory. So if you have visited the web page already, your browser is storing the original page when you were not logged in. In fact, you are logged in if you did login. You need to force your web browser to refresh/reload the webpage so it will show the new version with you logged in. You’ll have to do that on every page you viewed while not logged in. Also, you may wish to change your browser settings to always load pages new each time you view them.
To see how to clear your cache and cookies on various web browsers view Clearing Cache and Cookies.
How Do I Contact A Seller?
You must have an account on the system to contact sellers. All accounts are FREE! The reason we do this is to help keep off scammers and spammers from the site. And requiring login is one way we manage this. Thanks for understanding! Once you login, you should be able to see contact forms on all of the items for sale. If not, make sure to refresh/reload the web page after login.
How Much Does It Cost To List My Dress or Item?
All listings are free! My desire is to have a great place to list Irish dance dresses, vests, shoes, etc. for free. It seems we spend so much money on things for Irish dance already. So I’m trying to help out the ID community. My hope is to be able to keep this site free – hence the few sponsor ads at the top and side of the page to help support this site. I hope that you are willing to use the sponsor links to help support this free site. Also, there is a donation button for those who wish to support the site by making a donation. Thanks!
How Long Will My Listing Last?
Currently, listings are set to run for about 2 years. After this time your ad will expire and be removed from the system. You can create another ad listing for that same item when your ad expires. It is setup this way to keep listings current, and also should force you to re-evaluate your ad and price after 2 years if it still has not sold. I purposely set the expiration at this length, so that the site will not become a backlog of old dresses that are overpriced because a seller has forgotten about their listing. My aim is to keep the site fresh — so if you haven’t sold your dress in 2 years, please re-evaluate your dress & price and feel free to post it again once your listing expires.
Can I Edit My Own Listing?
Yes you can! This is a “do-it-yourself” site, so that you can edit your listing at any time and have the edits show up immediately. (You may have to refresh your page to see tehm, based on your browser settings.) Just login to your account and go to your “Dashboard” to find your listing and edit it. The “Dashboard” link is at the top right area of the browser window. The dashboard will show you a list of your ads. Under the Options column you can see the pencil icon which you can click to edit your ad.
Item Price
When you list the price of your item in the ad, please do NOT include the currency symbol. There is now a separate field to set your currency. We have listings from all over the world so each item can be listed in the proper currency by using the currency field. You may also add text after the price, but please leave a space between the numbers and text so that anyone searching on price will see your listing. Examples of acceptable prices would be: “1200” or “1200 OBO” or “700 Reduced”
More Than One Category?
Yes you may have your item in more than one category. For instance, a dress can be listed in the age group of 8-10, and then also in group 10-12. When you create your listing you must choose only one category. After your listing is submitted, or anytime after, you may contact the admin to add your listing to a second category. Listings may only be in two categories. Most clothing items will not realistically span more than two categories, so you should choose the two categories that best fit your item. Don’t fret, people of an unusual size will search multiple categories to find the right item!
Trouble With Creating A Listing – Photos?
If you are having trouble submitting a listing, it is possible that your images are too large. Perhaps you are not waiting long enough for the system to shrink/compress your image or it is timing out because the file is too big. You can shrink your own photos before submitting an ad, by using the website www.shrinkpictures.com and this may help. Also, try creating the listing first with NO photos and save that. Then go to your dashboard to edit your listing and add your photos after it has been saved the first time.
My First Photo Is Not The Correct One
The system uses whatever photo you upload/choose first, as the main photo for the item. This photo is shown in the browsing section and is the main photo on the item page. If you didn’t load your photos in the proper order, then it might not be the photo you wish to have as your main photo. To correct this, delete all photos except the one you wish to be the main photo – then save your listing. After saving, add back those other “extra” photos and save the listing again.
Changing My Photos
If you want to change your photos, start by deleting all your current photos and then SAVE the listing with no photos. Once you have removed the photos and saved your listing – then go back and edit the listing and add the new photos and save. Also, make sure you wait long enough for photos to upload and show the thumbnail pic (signifying that the photo has indeed loaded all the way) before you hit save.
Rules for Posting Photos
Please do not post photos of children and their faces. If possible please crop off or blur the face of the child. I prefer it if you could only post photos of the dresses. If I find photos with children in them I may edit them to remove the child or blur the face.
You may not post photos that include children that are not your own children! No exceptions! Do not post group photos or they will be removed. If you need help editing a photo to only show your dress you may contact me and I will help you. By uploading photos, you are approving their usage on the internet and understand that anyone has access to your photos.
How Do Buyers Contact Me
A prospective buyer will fill out the contact form on the website. The system will send an email to the email address listed for your account with the contact information of the seller and the message. This keeps your email address private from scammers and people, until you decide you wish to reply to them. Make sure to check your spam folder to ensure that emails are not going into your spam folder.
My Item Has Sold
When your item has sold, please view your “Dashboard” using the link at the top of the page on the right. You will see your items listed there. Please click the “Mark As Sold” link for your item that sold. This will now show buyers that your item has sold. Periodically the system will delete sold items to cleanup the listings. You may also delete your ad yourself from your dashboard. Click the red X to delete your ad. Currently there is not a “pending” feature, but if you wish to notify people that your dress is pending a sale, then you can add that to the dress description by editing your listing.
Featured Listings
If you would like your item listed as a “Featured Item” please contact me. Items may be featured for a cost of $5 per week. Featured items will display on the home page in the “Featured Items” section.